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How to make the most of our schedule maker

56 articles
Getting Started with LITEHow to create your first schedule, change dates, venues, times, team names, and publish
Getting Started with PRO / TournamentsHow to schedule a tournament or league with PRO
Making Manual TweaksChanging games manually / venue / time / date / referee
Entering ScoresHow to save scores (results) // update standings // clearing scores
Bye WeeksHow to schedule byes // odd number of teams
Sharing Your ScheduleHow to publish and share your schedule with your players // embedding on your site // export to CSV/Excel
Exporting your Schedule to CSV / ExcelCSV (Excel) Export Samples and How To
PrintingHow to print your schedule (or save to PDF)
StandingsHow to customize your standings / edit standings configuration
Deleting a GameHow to delete individual games
Off-weeksHow to skip a week (e.g. due to holidays)
Team Highlighter
Post Alerts / Notes / Announcements
Postponing GamesTips for rainouts etc
Schedule Checker