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Designate Scorekeepers

How to give score keeper permissions to let others enter results

Updated over a year ago

You can give other users permission to enter scores by making them a referee (alternately referred to as official or umpire) or a scorekeeper.

The main difference is that scorekeepers can't be assigned to games, so they don't show up in the referee dropdown.

Adding Referees

  • You can add referees under the Officials section on the schedule maker.

  • To give the scoring permission, you need to link the referee's name to an account by entering the user's email under Advanced Options.

You'll see an error message if the user doesn't have an account yet. You can create one for them via the users dashboard.

modal for adding/managing referees

Adding Scorekeepers

Under Officials/Referees (on the Schedule Maker page), click Advanced Options

On the resulting modal, enter the score keeper's name and email, and select score keeper from the dropdown:

You'll see an error message if the user doesn't have an account yet. You can create one for them via the users dashboard.


  • Scorekeepers will not be listed in the Officials list seen in the first screen shot, but only in the advanced options dialog.

  • Scorekeepers will not show up in the referee assignment dropdown (whistle icon)

  • To remove a score keeper / revoke score keeper permissions, simply clear both the name and email fields and click save.

Assigning Referees to Games

Once you've created referees in the system. You can assign them to games via the whistle on the schedule:

assign a referee by clicking the whistle on the schedule

Give Team Managers Scorekeeping Permission

You can give team managers (captains and coaches as designated by their role on their team) permission to enter scores for their own games.

To do so, go to your organization settings – that's this button at the bottom left of your screen:

And check the box next to Captain/Coach Scorekeeping

Don't forget to hit Save.

This allows captains and coaches to enter scores for games of their own team.

We just added this, so please let us know if you notice any issues with this functionality.

Note: team managers (captains/coaches) will have 72 hours after their game to submit their scores. For unscheduled games (without a set start time) they can enter whenever, but they won't be able to edit scores once submitted – they would have to contact an admin to correct the score if they've entered it incorrectly.

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