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Page Editor

Fully customize your club page

Updated over a week ago

Page Editor

Our page editor lets you fully customize your club page / website. We have a few templates you can start with, but you can also start with a blank canvas and get creative.

LITE Users

The page editor requires a PRO subscription to use (you can try it out before subscribing, but you won't be able to publish). See what you can customize without a PRO subscription here.

How to use the page editor

Click the Edit Page button on your Club Page to open the Page Editor.

This will take you to the page editor with this toolbar at the top:

The toolbar will change depending on what element you select. For instance, if you click the cover image, you will see controls to edit the cover image:

Each type of element will have different options. Here are the options for cover, for instance:

The "breadcrumbs" at the top of the toolbar always show you what's currently selected and where in the page hierarchy that is located. You can click on any element within that breadcrumb hierarchy to select it. You can always click Page to get out of your selection.

Page-level controls

With Page selected, you can switch to mobile view to see what the page looks like on mobile devices, select a different starting template, clear the page to start from scratch, and browse your version history to revert to previous states.

You can also hit CTRL + Z to undo, so you don't have to resort to the version history for every little change.

The right-hand side of the toolbar has your controls for publishing and previewing:

Changes not showing up?

Until you publish your draft, your changes are only visible to you in the editor or on the preview page.

Revert to public version

If you change your mind on your edits, the version history has a nifty shortcut to roll back to the public version:

screenshot showing how to revert to public version


At the Page level, you have the option to select a different starting template:

Selecting a template will discard any changes you've made, so you'll want to do this as a first step.

Templates are simply starting points and can be totally customized. You can start with a blank page and re-create each of the templates with the elements available, or develop your own layout as you wish.

Adding Elements

Click the + button to see all elements available:

Some elements are only available in certain contexts, or can only be added once per page, so this selection will vary.

The + button will add the new element after the currently selected element. Sometimes this can yield mixed results. Ctrl+Z is your friend.

Another way to add elements is to select the element after which you want to insert and hit enter on your keyboard. This will insert a paragraph. If you click + with the empty paragraph selected, the new element will replace the paragraph.

You may need to play with this a little before it becomes intuitive. Just hit undo (ctrl+z) and try selecting the parent element in the breadcrumbs and repeating the process.

Cut & paste

Cut (ctrl+x) & paste (ctrl+v) is very powerful within the editor and can be used to rearrange items on the page. Again, the best thing to do is to play with this and use ctrl+z to undo if it doesn't do what you want (or roll back versions).


The paragraph element is really the editor's work horse. You can use it to insert headings, lists, links, file downloads etc.


The container element is a wrapper around your content that keeps it within a reasonable width on larger screens. Without a container, your content will take up the entire width, which can get ugly on large screens.


Sections are full-width wrappers that alternate in background color. Typically, you'll want to add a container inside a section before adding a paragraph, as in this example:

Event List

Event lists are what you see on the default club page – those lists of your registrations, current and past schedules.

Event lists only show events that have either registration enabled or a public schedule.

Squeak Away!

The page builder is a relatively new feature, so please don't hesitate to ask questions and provide feedback!

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