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How to customize your standings / edit standings configuration

Updated over 5 months ago


Standings are displayed on the Public Schedule page and will update automatically as you enter scores.

Below your standings, you can see what stats and tie breakers are used to determine the ranking.

If you have playoffs set up, you'll see playoff ranks highlighted on the left as seen above.

Choose a standings configuration

We let you choose from a number of standings templates (even in LITE).

These include standard configurations for most sports. Let us know if your sport's standard is not available yet and we'll take a look at adding it.

To select a standings configuration, first go to your PUBLIC SCHEDULE page and click the Standings button above your standings.

 You'll see the following dialog:

standings configuration dialog

After selecting a configuration, make sure to click Apply in order to apply this configuration to your event's standings.

You may also set a configuration as your default so you don't have to set it each time.

Edit your standings configuration

You can customize your standings configuration (PRO feature).

We recommend selecting one of the templates as a starting point and then clicking the edit button on the right:

You can also click the link below the dropdown to start from scratch.

Modifying Standard Templates

If you modify one of the standard templates, a copy will be saved – since you can't directly modify our templates. Make sure you apply that copy in the initial dialog.

Available standings customizations

You can change 

  • which columns are displayed and in what order

  • labels and abbreviations of those columns

  • tie breakers – the columns on which to sort and in which order

  • assign custom point values for wins/losses/ties as well as (overtime/extra-time) OT wins/OT losses

  • enable/disable track sets (sub-scores / games)

  • enable/disable overtime (extra-time)

  • switch the order in which home and away teams are displayed on the schedule (home v away or away @ home)

  • set a number of decimal places for your score entry, e.g. in order to record half points

Edit Standings Dialog

The edit standings dialog is divided into 4 tabs, which you can navigate between via the buttons at the top:

screenshot showing nav buttons (settings,columns,sorting,scoring) in standings config edit modal


On the settings screen, you can

  • rename your standings configuration (this is for you only, so just make it something that makes sense to you)

  • enable sub-scoring (sets) and overtime

  • switch between home v away or away @ home display

  • choose how many decimals you want your scores to have (if you allow half-points for instance, you can set this to 1, which will let you enter scores like 1.5 : 3.5 etc.)


On the columns screen you can

  • select which stats you want to show in your standings – this does not affect rankings yet, you'll do that under Sorting

  • give them a custom abbreviation (shown at the top of standings) and label (shown when hovering or tapping the abbreviation on the standings)

Grab an item by the handle on the left to drag and drop into the order you want.

drag handle

Drag above the active/inactive divider to include and below it to remove a column from your standings or click the arrow on the right to do so.

active/inactive divider


On the sorting tab, you'll see columns that are included in your standings with a blue outline. This is to help you make sure you're sorting on the correct columns as some are named similarly.

Note that that names shown here are the default names, not your custom labels.

You'll also want to make sure you have the right sort direction selected (descending – larger values rank higher – or ascending – smaller values rank higher).

Again, grab an item by the handle on the left to drag and drop into the desired order and put above the active/inactive divide to include the metric in tie breakers or send it below to remove it.


For points-based standings, you can edit the number of points awarded per win, draw, loss, overtime win, overtime loss, and shutouts.

This affects the POINTS columns, not the SCORES columns.

You can also manually set points for each match. Once a score is recorded, click the edit game icon for that game and edit the home points and away points fields.

Note: In our Volleyball template, we have turned on OT with 2 points for an OT win and 1 point for an OT loss, so if you use the rule where a 3-2 win allocates a point to the losing team, simply enter the final set as the OT score.

Hide Standings

To hide standings completely, simply select hide standings under Standings Config.

In PRO, you can also hide standings for each division/pool/entire league by setting the number of games for the division to 0 on the Schedule Maker under Divisions or removing your divisions from the season by taking the checkmark off under Manage Divisions.


Standings Columns Explained

Scores for/against

Scores from the main score boxes.

Sub-scores for/against

Scores from sub-score boxes (with track sets enabled)

Score Difference

Goals/points scored minus goals/points allowed (the numbers in the main score boxes for each game).

Score Difference (n)

Score difference with each game capped at max n. This is not currently variable, but a few different values are available.

Example: Score difference (4) would count an 8-1 win as 4, same as a 5-1 win or a 100-0 win.

Average Score

Scores for divided by games played.


Games won divided by games played.

Sets won/lost

By default, this matches scores for/against. It will differ only when you overwrite the scores in the main score boxes with a different score than automatically calculated after entering sub-scores into the sub-score boxes.

Sets Percentage

Sets won divided by sets played. Calculated from subscores entered.

Example: A volleyball match [25-20, 18-25, 19-25, 25-21, 15-12] would count as 3-2, therefore 3/5 = 40% or 0.400

Score Percentage

Points scored divided by the sum of points scored + points conceded. (Points here refers to the numbers in the main score boxes for each game.)

Example: a 3-1 win would be 75% goals percentage or 0.750

Use case: a tennis league with a time limit wants to record scores of incomplete sets when the matches run out of time – e.g. 6-1 4-6 5-3 – but does not count the incomplete sets as wins, as would be the case with Sets Percentage, which is calculated the sub-scores and would register this as 2-1 sets. By using Goals Percentage, the standings will take the scores entered in the main score boxes, which can be modified to show 2-0 while keeping the sub-scores to show the incomplete set.

Sub-score Percentage

Sum of sub-scores for divided by sum of sub-scores for + sub-scores against. Sub-scores are the numbers entered into the secondary / sub-score boxes which are displayed when enabling the track sets toggle.

Example: The same volleyball match from above [25-20, 18-25, 19-25, 25-21, 15-12] would count as 102-103, therefore 102/103 = 99.03% or 0.990

Games Behind

With Team A being the first ranked team, for each Team B, games behind is

Sets Behind

Like Games Behind but using sets won and sets lost (calculated from sub-scores).


Number of games won without conceding a goal (score in main score box).

Score Quotient

Total scores for divided by total scores against (score in main score box).

Sub-score Quotient

Total sub-scores for divided by total sub-scores against.


  • if teams have played each other more than once, aggregate goal difference (scored – conceded) is considered as well (away goals do not count for more in this case); if they're still tied, overall goal difference is used

  • if multiple teams are tied, head-to-head will sort first on the number of head-to-head comparisons won within the group of tied teams, then on direct head-to-head (if any 2+ teams are tied on the first h2h metric)

  • if you're confused about why teams are ordered the way they are, you can add the head-to-head column to be displayed in your standings. it will show the number of h2h wins and, if applicable, a second number for direct h2h wins

Note: The head-to-head column will only be calculated if it's included in the tie breakers. If you include it in the display columns, but not the sorting columns, it will just show blank (-) for each team.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

What do the abbreviations mean?

You can hover your mouse over the abbreviated column headers on your standings table and it will show you the full label for that column. On mobile, you can tap each column header to see the unabbreviated column label.

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